How to Get Real Client IP When Kong Is Behind CDN and Loadbalancer
In my IP restriction post I briefly discussed how to set the real ip when Kong is deployed behind a load balancer. I would like to explore this a little bit further to show you how you can find out all IPs in front of Kong and how to start Kong to get the real client IP. Let’s get started.
Request Flow
In order to demonstrate extra hops of client requests, below is the set up we will use today.
1 | ┌───────────────┐ |
I am going to use Cloudflare as CDN, Traefik as Loadbalancer. When client sends a request to kong, Kong should get 3 IP addresses on x-forwarded-header
Start Kong
I am going to deploy Kong 3.0 in dbless mode. Kong 3.0 has a LOT of new features. LMDB for storing declarative config IMO is a big one because Kong can finally persist config when it is pushed through /config
endpoint when kong is deployed in dbless mode.
Let’s use below command to start Kong
1 | docker run --detach --rm \ |
On Traefik side, I just need to add below to my declarative config using file provider.
1 | http: |
Now when we curl -is
we should see something like below which confirms the request goes through Cloudflare and traefik (because traefik handles TLS for me)
1 | $ curl -is |
Check IPs
Deploy echo server
In order to use IP restriction plugin successfully I would need to know the IP of Cloudflare edge and Traefik. To do that I will run a echo container locally which will returned x-forwarded-header
it receives back to me.
1 | docker run --detach --rm \ |
Push kong config
Now we can push config to Kong. Let’s save below file to test.yaml.
1 | _format_version: "3.0" |
Then we can use curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/config -F [email protected]
to push the config.
Get IPs
Now when we run below command from our host or a different VM
1 | curl -s | jq -r '.request.headers["x-forwarded-for"]' |
We should get something like,,
Understand IPs from x-forwarded-for
Let’s take a look at these IP addresses
- This is my VM’s IP address which is the client IP I would like Kong to get and restrict on.
- This is a local IP address. If we check our container address, this is the IP of traefik container.
- This is a public IP address belongs to Cloudflare.
Now we know is the IP I want Kong to get, we need to put and as trusted ips.
Deploy Kong with trusted_ips
Let’s stop and re-create our Kong container with below commands.
1 | docker stop kong |
Now let’s update our test.yaml file to include the IP restriction plugin. In my example, I want to restrict access from my VM.
1 | _format_version: "3.0" |
After pushing the config to Kong we can test from our VM and we probably will see most requests still are allowed. Why is the IP restriction plugin not working?
Deploy Kong with CIDR blocks in trust_ips
Let’s send a few more requests.
1 | $ curl -s | jq -r '.request.headers["x-forwarded-for"]' |
If we take a closer look at the IPs returned from x-forwarded-for
in every request, we should notice that the Cloudflare IP address changes in every request.
That means we can’t just put one single IP to our trust list.
We can find cloudflare’s IP address from their website and we can see CIDR blocks like, are listed. Let’s re-create our Kong container with these CIDR blocks in trusted_ips
1 | docker stop kong |
After pushing the same test.yaml, if we curl from our VM again we should be blocked.
1 | $ curl -s |
IP restriction plugin is very easy to use but it can get complicated when there are multiple hops before your client requests reach Kong. It is important to know what IPs the requests pass through and trust those IPs to make sure Kong gets the real client ip. Using a local echo container or even it is allowed) is a good way to find these IPs.
That’s all I want to share with you today, see you next time.